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Shio of Birth 4 June 2022 | Chinese zodiac predictions and elements

Your Birth Day:

Kelahiran 4 June 2022
  • Character
    People Tiger sign are distinguished by their bravery, their spirit of competitiveness and unpredictability. Stubborn nature quick to judge others harshly, they invest vigorously in their work, are accustomed to speak frankly and always act with firmness. The natives of the Tiger are authoritative and never return to what they said. Very confident in them and indomitable courage, they make excellent leaders. They tend to not prepare prior to what they have to do, but may still face all kinds of situations. The Tigers, by nature, enjoy the challenges and do not like having to obey others. Strengths: Tolerant, loyal, valiant, courageous, trustworthy, intelligent, virtuous. Weaknesses: Arrogant, short-tempered, hasty, traitorous.
  • Match
    Best Matches: Dragon, Horse, Pig. They can encourage and help each other, and they can be the best lovers as well as rivals. They are all ambitious and share the same value in life and money. The couple can lead a harmonious life. Bad Matches: Ox, Tiger, Snake, Monkey. They are both aggressive, and seldom make compromise, so the relationship will be nipped in the bud. If getting married, financial problems would result in their breakup.
  • Number
    Lucky numbers: 1, 3, and 4. Unlucky numbers: 6, 7, and 8.
  • Color
    Lucky colors: gray, blue, white, orange. Unluckey colors: gold, silver, brown, black.
  • Flower
    Lucky flowers: cinerarium, anthurium.
  • Direction
    Lucky directions: east, south and southeast. Unlucky directions: northwest.
  • ElementWater
    Generally, the fixed Water element indicates the potential for a powerful communicator and someone who is able to skillfully manipulate people into seeing a particular point of view. Those born under the Water element are observant and very quick to take advantage of opportunities and harness resources to fulfill their aims. They are also versatile and adaptable, embodying the very nature of Water, which is fluidity. Strengths: Diplomatic, good communicators, Influencers, Observant and very aware, Open minded, Empathetic, sensitive to other’s feelings, Good counselors, Pacifist, will make good meditators, Tend to have good memory, Persistent and determined, When they feel fear, they are able to hide their feelings, Meticulous, Able to identify projects with big potential, to bring great results, Resilience, Able to exert a lot of effort and hard work, Intuitive and flexible, Soft-hearted and gentle. Weaknesses: May be susceptible to being self-centered, Self-indulgent, Indecisive, Rely too much on others for support, Too passive.


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